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How This Works

We are pleased to provide a new way of shopping to our customers, utilizing a fusion of web site convenience and in-world payment and delivery. The following sections should answer your questions about how the entire process works.

Why a web page?

There are several good reasons to use a web site to shop for Second Life products. Especially when compared to Second Life 'network vendor' systems, a web site provides a far better way to shop, with faster loading, proper presentation of text and graphics, and the ability to use a shopping cart system. It eases the load upon a sim which otherwise would have to load many different images (at a painfully slow pace) and puts that burden on a website where it belongs.

As a result, our customers are provided with a far more efficient and aesthetically pleasing experience. For those who wish to shop in a large in-world store, we offer that as well at our two Eventide locations.

How do I purchase items using the web site?

It's easy. Simply shop as you would any other web site, browsing through our products and adding the ones you want to your digital shopping cart. When you are done shopping, you will 'checkout' as usual and it will create a digital order, but you will not pay via credit card or any standard payment. You will instead provide your Second Life avatar name (this will be automated if you are signed into the web site) and be given an order number.

At any time within the following few days, you can log in that avatar, travel to one of our Xcite! Web Store Kiosks (you may already be at one as we speak), identify the order you wish to pay for, and pay the proper amount of Linden Dollars. Your order will then be delivered automatically by our fulfillment system, no matter where you are, within a few short minutes.

Is this secure?

Very much so. We never actually handle your money on this website. There's no credit card information or personal information needed, so the security risk is non-existent. All transactions are completed in Second Life, through your account there, so ordering via this website is no more or less secure than buying from us in world.

What about XStreet or other websites?

We're pleased to offer a growing selection of our products at XStreet. Our catalog will continue to grow there until most if not all of our products are available. We consider XStreet to be a perfectly viable sales channel, but because of its fees, we are forced to pass on to the consumer a small 'sales tax'. We recommend you shop here on our website, or in our in-world stores to avoid this extra cost.

As for other websites, we are constantly on the lookout for new channels to get our gear out there, but most of them lack the ability to integrate with our shipping and customer service systems. If you have a favorite place to shop and we're not there, please let us know and we'll check it out.


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