Where to get help

This website is an excellent resource to get help. If you've got fundamental questions about the ToKon system, or are just confused how to do some relatively common actions, check out the video tutorials listed below. They provide an excellent introduction to the system and some of the more important features.

If you're confused about a particular part of your HUD, or can't figure out how to use one of the pages of the HUD, try going to that page and hitting the 'help' button (the question mark on the right side in the indicator bar...make sure your HUD isn't minimized first). This will provide you with a notecard that should give you information about the screen you're viewing.

If you have a more specific question, you might be better off with our knowledge base and documentation. Here you'll find the full documentation for the ToKon system, as well as FAQs and other helpful pages. The links to this system are listed below.

If the information on the website and in the help cards doesn't answer your question, then you'll probably want to contact our customer support team in Second Life for direct assistance.

User Manuals & Documentation

The User Manuals for ToKon are all right here on our website. Check them out below!

Slave's HUD Manual Owner's HUD Manual
Professional Owner's HUD Manual All Manuals & Documentation


The following tutorial videos are highly recommended. They provide a wealth of information about the ToKon system, as well as visual walkthroughs of the most common activities. Give them a shot!

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