
Create a New Account

If you have never created your own account on the Xcite! website creating one is really just a matter of identifying that you are the avatar you profess to be and creating a password. DO NOT USE YOUR SECOND LIFE ACCOUNT PASSWORD.

There are two ways to identify yourself and get a password:

Use Your X4 HUD

If you have an X4 HUD, hit the 'Configure' button to get to your configuration page. The X4 HUD will automatically log you in and identify you. Hit the 'ACCOUNT' link at the top right of the page and then select the 'Change You Password' option to set a password you like. DO NOT USE YOUR SECOND LIFE ACCOUNT PASSWORD.

Visit an Xcite! Kiosk

If you don't have an X4 HUD, visit one of our in-world kiosks and hit the 'New Password' button on the kiosk. (There are kiosks in both the main and Premier stores.) This will reset your password to a random string, which will be given to you in a dialog box. Write it down, then log into this website using that temporary password. Hit the 'ACCOUNT' link at the top right of the page and then select the 'Change You Password' option to set a password you like. DO NOT USE YOUR SECOND LIFE ACCOUNT PASSWORD.

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