
Trade In Policy

What is a Trade In/Rebate?

How is a Trade In/Rebate Different From an Update?

What Items Can I Use for Trade-Ins?

I am Ready to Do My Trade In/Rebate - How Do I Do It?

What is a Trade-In/Rebate

Trade Ins are simple: give us your old Xcite! items and we will give you some L$ back when you buy the current version of that item.  Do you have a Classic Cock or Clit that you bought many years ago hanging around in your Inventory?  Buy the latest version of that Xcite! item from the in-world store, the Xcite! website or the SL Marketplace and then send us the old item and we will send you L$.

How is a Trade In/Rebate Different From an Update?

Updates are a free service that we provide which include small functionality and feature changes designed to keep your current item usable and compatible with other Xcite! items.  These may include bug fixes, security updates, feature adjustments or additions, etc.  Updates will not change the model of your Xcite! item - the basic feature set that came with your original Xcite! item will remain the same for the life of your item. Updates are usually highly recommended, and occasionally are required when they address changes imposed by Second Life itself.

When a new model product line is introduced it will include functionality and features that are significantly different from the previous model - different enough that they simply cannot be added to the previous model via update.  This is similar to many real-world items - cell phones for example.  Vendors will make it possible for you to update the software on your current model phone, but at some point a new model will replace it.  

Trade Ins handle this situation.  If you want to purchase the latest model Xcite! item and still have a prior model you can, after purchasing the new item, trade in your old item and get some L$ back, helping to decrease your overall cost.  Acquiring the newest model is NEVER required - your older model item will continue to work as it always has (barring significant unforeseeable changes in SL itself).  Acquiring the newest model is completely up to you - doing so will allow you to take advantage of new technology and previously unavailable features, but will not impact your ability to continue to use your existing items if you want to.

What Items Can I Use for Trade-Ins?

The rule of thumb is:  trade in an item when you have purchased a similar but newer model item.  For example, you may trade in ANY Xcite! Cock/Genitals for the latest model Xcite! Genitals. You can trade in a ToKon 1 Professional HUD for ANY ToKon 2 Loaded HUD Kit. If you have the original Xcite! Lips you can trade them in on a purchase of the latest model Lips.  A complete list of what may be used as a trade in for what may be found here

There are some caveats and exceptions:

You can only trade in one item for one item.  If you have a couple different Xcite! Clits in your Inventory you may only use one of them as a trade in when you buy the latest model. 

You can only trade in like items for like items.  If you want to buy the latest model Xcite! Feet you can only use an older model of Xcite! Feet as a trade in.  You cannot use Xcite! Nipples as a trade in on Xcite! genitals, for example. 

Some items are considered ‘one-to-one’ trade ins, meaning that if you own them in your old item we will replace them with the appropriate models of those items for free. Check the Trade In Eligibility Table  for which items those are.

Traded In items need to be complete.  If you hand us an Xcite! HUD Control Panel that is missing most or all of its scripts, notecards, animations, sounds, etc. for example we will not honor the trade in.

You must make your trade in within a reasonable amount of time following your purchase.  If you purchased your new item a year ago you may not trade older items in for it now. Try to submit your items for trade in within two weeks of your purchase.

If you purchased your older Xcite! item less than 30 days prior to purchasing your new Xcite! item (meaning, you purchased your older Xcite! item right before we released a brand new model) we will refund you 100% of your original purchase price for the older item.

How to Do a Trade-In

Please be sure to follow these instructions carefully.  Items sent to us incorrectly may be lost or deleted, especially if we have no way to determine who sent the items.


If your older Xcite/ToKon item is transferable (for example, Classic items, X2, X3, ToKon 1):

1)  Purchase your new, latest model Xcite! item.

2)  Detach your old Xcite! item from your avatar.

3)  Create a new folder in your Inventory and rename that folder to be called ‘Trade In - <Your Name>’, replacing <Your Name> with your full avatar name (NOT your display name).

4)  Move the object to be traded in into this new folder.  Move ONLY the object - do not put additional notecards, folders, accessories, etc. into this folder.  Doing so will just confuse the issue.  We have your purchase records - we do not need the supporting documents, installers, and additional folders to see what you bought.

5)  Send the folder to Alexisnow Resident.  Once we have the items we will verify the items, check for your new purchase, and then send you your L$.

IMPORTANT: DO NOT REMOVE ANYTHING FROM YOUR TRADE IN ITEM. Leave EVERYTHING inside your trade in item exactly as it is. We check each item individually, so we will be able to see if you have any items (Combos, Reach Out, Watersports, Etc.) that are one-to-one trade in items and will handle them automatically accordingly.

If we have questions about your purchases we will contact you directly before completing your trade in.

Trade Ins/Rebates should generally take less than 24 hours to complete.  During especially high volume periods (for example, right after we release a new model item) this may extend to 48 hours. If you sent something for trade in/rebate and have not heard back from us within 48 hours please send an in-world IM to Alexisnow including the name you put on the folder/notecard so that we may track it down for you. Be sure to check your transaction history before contacting us to see if you received L$ from us (usually from Javier Puff or Alexisnow Resident) - it is always possible that you simply missed our response.

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'Second Life' and 'SL' are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc. Xcite! is not affiliated with or sponsored by Linden Research.